Gastric Banding

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Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding in Mexico

Lap band surgery by Dr. Mario Camelo Ramos, a leading bariatric surgeon in Tijuana, can help you say goodbye to obesity without making you burn a hole in your pocket. We bring you quality and affordable gastric banding weight loss procedure for just a fraction of the average US prices.

Your Savings

The average gastric banding price in the United States is $14,000. By choosing to have your lap band in Tijuana, you can save more than 70% over the prices charged back home.

The package price includes:

  • Surgeon’s and anesthesiologist’s fees
  • All expenses related to the surgery and your hospital stay
  • Medications
  • Your hospital meals

Lap Band Procedure: What It Entails?

Lap band is a ring-like device made from silicone which is wrapped around the upper part of the stomach to reduce its capacity to hold food.

  • This is done to make you feel full faster, after having eaten small quantities of food.
  • This will help in weight loss.
  • Alternative names of the procedure: Lap Band System, gastric band, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, and LAGB.
  • One major advantage of getting a gastric band is that it is reversible, as no part of your stomach is stapled or removed.
  • The procedure is performed laparoscopically; hence your recovery time is quick.
  • In lap band surgery, the surgeon will make 4-5 tiny incisions in the abdomen.
  • The surgeon will insert surgical instruments and a tiny camera through these incisions.
  • The band will be placed around the upper part of the stomach; this will divide the stomach to an upper and lower pouch, with the upper pouch being smaller than the latter.
  • The procedure time typically ranges between 30 and 60 minutes.
  • This weight loss procedure is to be considered a last resort by those with a high BMI who have failed to vanquish obesity with diet control and exercise.


Open: Mon-Sun: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm